Category Archives: Publikasi
Optimizing Correspondence Analysis With Singular Value Decomposition: a stunting data case study
Correspondence Analysis (CA) is a statistical technique used to map relationships between qualitative variables. It visualizes data in a low-dimensional space, enabling the interpretation of complex relationships. This study addresses the challenge of visualizing contingency tables with more than three categories using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for dimensionality reduction. We apply this approach to stunting data collected by the Indonesian Population Coalition in 2023, focusing on variables such as the district of residence, fever management methods, educational level of caregivers, and sources of information on stunting. The analysis reveals significant associations among these variables, providing insights that could inform public health strategies. This work underscores the utility of CA and SVD in handling high-dimensional qualitative data, particularly in health-related studies.
Mengawal Transformasi Survei Penduduk Antar Sensus (SUPAS) 2025
Survei Penduduk Antar Sensus (SUPAS) 2025 merupakan kegiatan strategis untuk mengistimasi indikator demografi diantara dua waktu Sensus Penduduk . SUPAS 2025 memberikan informasi tentang pertumbuhan penduduk , tingkat fetilitas, tingkat mortalitas, mobilitas, disabilitas serta krakteristik sosial ekonoi lainnya. Informasi ini sangat bermanffat untuk mendukung berbagai kebijakan pembangunan, seperti perencanaan keluarga, kesehatan, pendidikan, ketenagakerjaan, dan pembangunan infrastruktur.
Santriprenuership: A Strategic Approach to Human Capital Development
Economic development in the era of industry 4.0 has emerged as a crucial societal concern, drawing significant attention from scholars and practitioners. On a theoretical level, the discourse centers around achieving sustainable development through economic self-sufficiency. At a practical level, economic progress should be accessible to all strata of society, including those within Islamic boarding schools.
Women Education During Crisis: How Do Cosmetic and Health Industries Educate Women for Covid-19 Resilience and Provide Basis for Mitigation Education?
COVID-19 virus has been putting many people’s health in peril and causing social anxiety, insecurity, and mayhem. It has become a public enemy. Collaboration between all sectors and ommunity involvement are required to control the spread and negative effects of COVID-19.
The Power of Demographic Profiling in the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Election
This article discusses how demographic profiling played a crucial role in the victory of a pair of candidates in the Indonesian presidential election contest. Prabowo Subianto (PS), a retired general who had previously lost three times in a row in presidential elections, finally won in 2024 with more than 58% of the voters.
Urgensi Satu Data Migrasi Internasional
Migrasi internasional merupakan perpindahan penduduk yang melintasi batas negara dengan berbagai alasan dan dampak, baik positif maupun negatif, bagi negara asal dan tujuan.
Short-Term Solutions and Human Mobility Changes to Control the Widespread of COVID-19 in Indonesia
Tantangan Kependudukan
Komisi Pemilihan Umum secara resmi telah menetapkan Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin sebagai presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih. Sekarang saatnya menyusun langkah ke depan, menyelesaikan rancangan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2020-2024 untuk periode kepemimpinan kedua Presiden Jokowi.
Mencermati Tema Debat Cawapres 2019
Debat calon wakil presiden, Minggu (17/3/2019), mengusung tema pendidikan, kesehatan, ketenagakerjaan, sosial, dan budaya. Tema debat yang menarik untuk mendengarkan strategi kedua kandidat yang bersifat jangka menengah dan panjang, mengingat hasil pembangunan kelima sektor tersebut tidaklah diperoleh secara instan.